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Conferences & Workshops

Below you can find the documentation of the past conferences and workshops and announcements for upcoming events:

Forums of Social Sciences:

First Forum of Social Sciences (01.12. & 02.12.2011): Identity - Diversity - Integration

Second Forum of Social Sciences (planned for 2014)

Methods forum:

Methods forum 1 (19.01.2006): Problems and perspectives of online research

Methods forum 2 (26.01.2006): Quantitative and qualitative methods

Methods forum 3 (08.06.2006): Problems of international comparative research concepts

Methods forum 4 (13.06.2006): Evaluation - theory and practice

Methods forum 5 (27.11. & 28.11.2006): Experiments in the web

Methods forum 6 (18.01.2007): Body and soul. Physiological methods for the explanation of social processes

Methods forum 7 (06.06.2007): Network analysis: methodical formalism and social reality

Methods forum 8 (20.06. & 21.06.2007): Social network analysis

Methods forum 9 (21.05.2010): Practice of the online research: methodical problems and solutions

Forum of Social Sciences
University of Vienna
Department of Communication
Währinger Straße 29
1090 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-49314
F: +43-1-4277-49399
University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0